Facelift in Istanbul Turkey
Facelift in Istanbul Turkey
Facelift surgery is an aesthetic operation applied to increase the beauty of the face as a result of wrinkles and many sagging that come with advancing age. It is the process of surgical intervention of the muscle, fat, and nerve tissue of the face, called Smash. Along with the facelift operation, sagging in the neck area is also intervened. You can learn more from Assoc. Prof. Dr. Suleyman Tas
Before and After Face Lift Surgery
Before Face Lift Surgery
The most important issue to consider before facelift surgery is the choice of surgeon. The surgeon you choose is directly proportional to how successful the operation will be. After the surgeon is selected, the patient should be informed about the operation in line with the patient’s complaints. Since the patient increases the risk of bleeding before the operation, blood thinners such as aspirin and herbal teas should be avoided. Another habit that should be terminated before facelift surgery is smoking. Since smoking has a negative effect on the healing process of the surgery, it should be stopped at least 3 weeks before and should be avoided during the recovery period.
After Face Lift Surgery
After the surgery, a drain is placed behind the ear, the area where the sutures are hidden, to prevent fluid collection. This drain is removed after 1 day. The patient rests in the hospital for 1 day. After being discharged, the patient should take the medications prescribed by the doctor regularly. In addition, there are some things you should definitely not do after facelift surgery. These;
- You should definitely not take a bath for the first 2 days.
- Activities such as steam bath or sauna should be avoided.
- You should avoid activities such as intense sports and housework that will tire you, for at least two weeks.
For the first two weeks, your head will be up and you need to sleep steadily. Two weeks later is the process that you have to be careful about. You can return to work or your social life after two weeks.
How is Face Lift Surgery Performed?
Along with facelift surgery, the neck area of the patient is also evaluated. The sagging on the face is removed by hanging the Smass structure that forms the muscle, nerve, and fat tissue on the face. In addition, the appearance of aging in areas such as the eyelids is also removed by facelift surgery.