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Non-Surgical Body Lift (Liposunix)


Non-Surgical Body Lift (Liposunix)

The liposonix regional slimming application, which is applied without the need for surgery, is a body shaping method that uses ultrasonic sound waves to break up the fat cells under the skin and remove regional excesses and cellulite. Non-surgical body stretching is a painless, non-surgical procedure that is applied without the need for anesthesia, and that does not leave any traces of surgery, which significantly eliminates minor deformations in the body. For this reason, it is highly preferred.

Areas where Liposonix Application is Effective

If you are complaining about your regional weight in your body, you can get rid of your regional weight with liposonix application. Areas where Liposonix application is effective;

  • Waist
  • Abdominal area
  • Sagging in arms
  • Bra lines
  • Basins
  • You can use the liposonix application for between the legs.

Benefits of Non-Surgical Body Lift Application

There are many benefits of non-surgical body lift application, which provides regional thinning using ultrasonic sound waves. These benefits are;

  • It slims and shapes the body.
  • There is no recovery time after liposonix. You can return to social life.
  • It tightens the area by reducing the fat.
  • It accelerates the body’s metabolism and regulates blood circulation.
  • It slims and tightens the body.
  • There is no feeling of pain and suffering
  • It is also effective in removing cellulite.

How to Apply Liposonix?

The patient who wants to have liposonix is ​​evaluated. The skin of the patients deemed appropriate within the scope of this evaluation is cleaned and a lubricant and cooling gel is applied to the area to be treated. Liposonix application is a one-session procedure and with focused focus ultrasound waves, it permanently destroys the fatty area in the body by reaching the fat tissue 1.3 cm below. While it destroys the fat tissues during the application, no harm comes to the skin. approximately 8 to 12 weeks after the procedure, it acts on the fat tissues and ensures that it disappears. By removing the fats from the body, you can achieve a shaped and tightened body.


Your Curiosities

Liposonix allows you to get rid of your regional fats permanently by using intense ultrasound energy locally and on a targeted basis.

Liposuction can be applied except for people who have heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease and any systematic disease in their body. Liposonix application is calculated according to the body mass index, and it is not an ideal application for people whose weight is under 30.

Non-surgical body lift takes approximately 1-1.5 hours, depending on the size of the operation area.

With non-surgical body stretching, it reaches a depth of 1.3 cm of the skin and helps to permanently break down the fat there, helping to permanently shape and get rid of the fat in the area.

Liposonix non-surgical body lift application does not have any side effects and harms. It does not pose any risk in terms of health or allergies. Ultrasonic sound waves do not have any harm to human health.

Liposonix prices vary according to the application region. As the application region changes, the price will also change. You can contact us for more information.

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